Tuesday, September 30, 2008


All I seem to talk on here about is the lack of Art I have done but then I don't want to write nothing and have you all disappear as its nice to chat and hear your comments. Since my House ATC's, I haven't done alot. I have been slowly cutting out circles to make buttons for an Unusual Alphabet ATC but I manager to draw and cut out 7 last night because I was trying to tidy up my house. Because I am living alone in it at the moment, I have totally been letting things build up, not putting them right away and such so it was a real mess. But I got lots done and the guinea pigs cleaned out so its looking better. Quick rush round with the hoover tonight will make it look even better. I have just been getting tired out and work and the travel so been wanting to do very little in the evenings. And laziness breeds more laziness and so it has continued. However I am trying to get myself out of this so hopefully more will come.

I did start doing a little bit of stitching over the weekend, we were visiting Sam's parents so I started on a hello Kitty bookmark I bought which I plan t send to a friend. See stitching has disappeared as well. I thought I would be good and not start anything new until I finished my Noah's Ark piece but it has made things worse as I have just been stitching nothing. I guess taking a break from the big pieces to do little pieces helped motivate me to keep going.

So I hope everyone else is well, the weather here in the UK was nice at the weekend but taken a big dip today. Much rain!

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